Tests using data sets and structured bindings

Quack! This is apparently the first post. Let’s see if we can write something interesting :)

In this post I’m looking at how to implement a small but very important unit test which should take a set of parameters as input. That is, to run the test multiple times with different input parameters.

The first thing I do is to define the data set, the input parameters for the test. Here I use a vector of tuples which contain three values each. Those are the values I want to test against in my Catch2 tests.

const std::vector<std::tuple<uint, float, float>> data{
    {0, 1.0, 1.5},
    {1, 1.5, 2.0},
    {2, 2.0, 2.5},
    {3, 2.5, 2.5},
    {4, 2.5, 1.5},
    {5, 1.5, 1.0},

Next step is to iterate over our data we just defined. I’m using a range-based for loop, from C++11, and then use structured bindings, from C++17, to extract the data!

for (const auto& values: data) {   // ranged based for loop
    auto [index, n1, n2] = values; // structured binding

    Computations comps = prepare_computations(xs.at(index), r, xs);

    REQUIRE(equal(comps.n1, n1));
    REQUIRE(equal(comps.n2, n2));

The structured binding inside the for loop can also be assigned directly in the for statement:

for (const auto& [index, n1, n2]: data) { // all in one go!
    Computations comps = prepare_computations(xs.at(index), r, xs);

    REQUIRE(equal(comps.n1, n1));
    REQUIRE(equal(comps.n2, n2));

For full details, see my commit 34f2671a.

That’s all folks! :)