Rotating a cube in Javascript

I experimented in porting a code snippet from C++ to Javascript to see if I could do some pixel manipulation on an HTML Canvas element. I wanted to have a nice spinning cube on the About page. This is what I eventually ended up with!

I started by adding the canvas element to page, adding the appropriate styling and position for it:

<div id="parent" class="parent">
    <canvas id="canvas" width="320" height="240">

Now, having a Canvas element, we can dive into the script itself and start pushing pixels! :)

First off, we create a cube in “world space” and then convert and scale those coordinates into “screen space”.

function worldToScreen(p, offset) {
    let factor = canvas.width;
    let screen = {
        x: p.x / p.z * factor + (canvas.width / 2), 
        y: p.y / p.z * factor + (canvas.height / 2)

    return screen

In many of the tutorials and how-to:s around 3D->2D projection there is often a camera a projection matrix, and other stuff. In this scenario we’re keeping it simple. We’re not moving around and the size of the cube can be changed to fit the screen we’re presenting it on (the canvas).

Rotation is done using the rotation matrix for each of the axis rotation is performed around. The rotation matrix can be found e.g. here on Wikipedia. Sorry for the Wikipedia link, couldn’t find a better one :)

Rotation is done on each point in “world space” for each animation frame update of the Canvas. For example, here is rotation around the Z axis:

function rotateZ(p, start) {
    let x = p.x - start.x;
    let y = p.y - start.y;
    return {
        x: x*Math.cos(angleZ) - y*Math.sin(angleZ) + start.x, 
        y: y*Math.cos(angleZ) + x*Math.sin(angleZ) + start.y,z: p.z}

The subtraction in the start of the function is to accomodate for any displacement of the cube. Rotation is done at (0, 0, 0), and hence the cube needs to be translated before rotation takes place.

Lines are drawn using the Canvas API which allows it to be performed using the GPU.

function drawFace(face) {

    let p1 = face.p1;
    let p2 = face.p2;
    let p3 = face.p3;
    let p4 = face.p4;

    let ctx = context;

    ctx.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);
    ctx.lineTo(p2.x, p2.y);
    ctx.lineTo(p3.x, p3.y);
    ctx.lineTo(p4.x, p4.y);
    ctx.strokeStyle = "white";

Last but not least. Since this code is in Javascript and using the Canvas API, the code can easily be ported to QML since hey the Canvas QML Type uses a similar API!

Anyhow, the complete script for the cube below. Have fun! :)

    var parent = document.getElementById("parent");
    var canvas  = document.getElementById("canvas");
    var context = canvas.getContext("2d");

    var fill = false;

    var angleX = 2 * Math.PI / 360;
    var angleY = 2 * Math.PI / 720;
    var angleZ = 2 * Math.PI / 1480;

    var rotX = true;
    var rotY = true;
    var rotZ = false;

    var cube = createCube(0, 0, 4, 1.5);   

// position: x: 0, y: 0, z: 6
// size 2 (length of one side)
function createCube(x, y, z, size) {
    var start = {"x": x, "y": y, "z": z, "size": size};

    var bl = {x: x-size/2, y:y-size/2, z:z-size/2}
    var br = {x: x+size/2, y:y-size/2, z:z-size/2}
    var tl = {x:x-size/2, y:y+size/2, z:z-size/2}
    var tr = {x:x+size/2, y:y+size/2, z:z-size/2}

    var blz = {x:x-size/2, y:y-size/2, z:z+size/2}
    var brz = {x:x+size/2, y:y-size/2, z:z+size/2}
    var tlz = {x:x-size/2, y:y+size/2, z:z+size/2}
    var trz = {x:x+size/2, y:y+size/2, z:z+size/2}

    return {
        "bl": bl, 
        "br": br, 
        "tl": tl, 
        "tr": tr, 
        "blz": blz,
        "brz": brz,
        "tlz": tlz, 
        "trz": trz,
        "start": start

function worldToScreen(p, offset) {
    let factor = canvas.width;
    let screen = {
        x: p.x / p.z * factor + (canvas.width/2), 
        y: p.y / p.z * factor + (canvas.height / 2)

    return screen

function rotateCubeZ(cube) {
    let bl = rotateZ(, cube.start);
    let br = rotateZ(, cube.start);
    let tl = rotateZ(, cube.start);
    let tr = rotateZ(, cube.start);
    let blz = rotateZ(cube.blz, cube.start);
    let brz = rotateZ(cube.brz, cube.start);
    let tlz = rotateZ(cube.tlz, cube.start);
    let trz = rotateZ(cube.trz, cube.start);
    return {
        "bl": bl, 
        "br": br, 
        "tl": tl, 
        "tr": tr, 
        "blz": blz,
        "brz": brz,
        "tlz": tlz, 
        "trz": trz,
        "start": cube.start

function rotateCubeX(cube) {
    let bl = rotateX(, cube.start);
    let br = rotateX(, cube.start);
    let tl = rotateX(, cube.start);
    let tr = rotateX(, cube.start);
    let blz = rotateX(cube.blz, cube.start);
    let brz = rotateX(cube.brz, cube.start);
    let tlz = rotateX(cube.tlz, cube.start);
    let trz = rotateX(cube.trz, cube.start);
    return {
        "bl": bl, 
        "br": br, 
        "tl": tl, 
        "tr": tr, 
        "blz": blz,
        "brz": brz,
        "tlz": tlz, 
        "trz": trz,
        "start": cube.start

function rotateCubeY(cube) {
    let bl = rotateY(, cube.start);
    let br = rotateY(, cube.start);
    let tl = rotateY(, cube.start);
    let tr = rotateY(, cube.start);
    let blz = rotateY(cube.blz, cube.start);
    let brz = rotateY(cube.brz, cube.start);
    let tlz = rotateY(cube.tlz, cube.start);
    let trz = rotateY(cube.trz, cube.start);
    return {
        "bl": bl, 
        "br": br, 
        "tl": tl, 
        "tr": tr, 
        "blz": blz,
        "brz": brz,
        "tlz": tlz, 
        "trz": trz,
        "start": cube.start

function translateY(cube, value) {

    var bl  =; 
    var br  =; 
    var tl  =; 
    var tr  =; 
    var blz = cube.blz;
    var brz = cube.brz;
    var tlz = cube.tlz;
    var trz = cube.trz;
    var start = cube.start;

    bl.y  =;
    br.y  =;
    tl.y  =;
    tr.y  =;
    blz.y = cube.blz.y+value;
    brz.y = cube.brz.y+value;
    tlz.y = cube.tlz.y+value;
    trz.y = cube.trz.y+value;
    start.y = cube.start.y-value;

    return {
        "bl":  bl, 
        "br":  br, 
        "tl":  tl, 
        "tr":  tr, 
        "blz": blz,
        "brz": brz,
        "tlz": tlz, 
        "trz": trz,
        "start": cube.start

function rotateZ(p, start) {
    let x = p.x - start.x;
    let y = p.y - start.y;
    return {x: x*Math.cos(angleZ) - y*Math.sin(angleZ) + start.x, y:y*Math.cos(angleZ) + x*Math.sin(angleZ) + start.y, z: p.z}

function rotateX(p, start) {
    let z = p.z - start.z;
    let y = p.y - start.y;

    let yy = y*Math.cos(angleX) - z*Math.sin(angleX) + start.y
    let zz = (y*Math.sin(angleX) + z*Math.cos(angleX)) + start.z
    return {x: p.x, y: yy, z: zz}

function rotateY(p, start) {
    let z = p.z - start.z;
    let x = p.x - start.x;

    let xx = x*Math.cos(angleY) + z*Math.sin(angleY) + start.x
    let zz = (-x*Math.sin(angleY) + z*Math.cos(angleY)) + start.z
    return {x: xx, y: p.y, z: zz}

function drawLine(p0, p1) {
    context.moveTo(p0.x, p0.y);
    context.lineTo(p1.x, p1.y);
    context.lineWidth = "2"
    context.strokeStyle = "#222";

function update() {
    context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
    // Cube
    if (rotZ === true) {
        cube = rotateCubeZ(cube);

    if (rotY === true) {
        cube = rotateCubeY(cube);

    if (rotX === true) {
        cube = rotateCubeX(cube);

    drawCube(cube, 0);

function drawCube(cube, offset) {
    let blr = worldToScreen(, offset)
    let brr = worldToScreen(, offset)
    let tlr = worldToScreen(, offset)
    let trr = worldToScreen(, offset)
    let blrz = worldToScreen(cube.blz, offset)
    let brrz = worldToScreen(cube.brz, offset)
    let tlrz = worldToScreen(cube.tlz, offset)
    let trrz = worldToScreen(cube.trz, offset)

    let front = {p1: blr, p2: brr, p3: trr, p4: tlr, color: "#bb2222",};
    let back = {p1: blrz, p2: brrz, p3: trrz, p4: tlrz, color: "#22bb22",};
    let left = {p1: blr, p2: tlr, p3: tlrz, p4: blrz, color: "#2222bb"};  
    let right = {p1: brr, p2: trr, p3: trrz, p4: brrz, color: "#22bbbb"};
    let top = {p1: tlr, p2: trr, p3: trrz, p4: tlrz, color: "#bb22bb"};
    let bottom = {p1: blr, p2: brr, p3: brrz, p4: blrz, color: "#bbbb22"};

    var faces = [front, back, left, right, top, bottom];

function drawFace(face) {

    let p1 = face.p1;
    let p2 = face.p2;
    let p3 = face.p3;
    let p4 = face.p4;

    let ctx = context;

    ctx.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);
    ctx.lineTo(p2.x, p2.y);
    ctx.lineTo(p3.x, p3.y);
    ctx.lineTo(p4.x, p4.y);
    ctx.strokeStyle = "white";
